torek, 13. september 2011

Ena mala halucinacija/One small hallucination

"I should meet Christine tomorrow" I though when trying to pass my pain from phneumonia. I turned left on a sofa and abviously went to sleep... There was no elictricity for a past 4 hours. I was bored, but could not do nothing because of the state I was in. I just red a short article in magazine about Berlusconi and Italy (I wouldn't be an Italian right least a liberal one) gooing dow. Next momet I went "down" as well.

We met somewhere in Brussels, could not remember where exactly now, but the place looked auwfuly familiar in my dreams. We were returnining to Christina's place which should be in the same street. Next moment we were there. Christina was home alone, actually it looked she lived by herself. Looking very young. I was sitting in the kitchen and sudenly two guys came in, visiting I guess. My head tuned up and I saw - Andrej, my cousin's ex.
He was looking the same, but also younger, with blond hair. He remembered me, too. Some talking and when trying to take some photos I found out no battery was in my camera and in the gsm. Shit!. Just inbetween Christine gave me a kiss and I gave it back. It was funny. It surprised me but that was it.

I went to her balcony and although this was the ground floor appartment, the backside looked as it was some 4th floor. I remember a tiny dog, Yorkshire terrier I guess which just run towards the edge and jumped to the street lamp. It must have been flying to reach the lamp. Then the dog made some steps on the lamp and flew back to the  ground bellow the balcony. The abbey bellow was really deep.

Afert a while we went back, obviously we had to go back to work. I lost Christina on the way and three of us (me, Andrej and his colegue, journalist on a mission in Brussels) wondered where we are. Andrej wanted to buy a cigarettes and I wanted to ask somebody where we are and how to get somewhere near Schuman. Andre spoke perfectly french and I tried to speak to someone in french too. All around was a real thick fog, like it is in Ljubljana many times during the winter. I was suddenly alone.
I wonderd already wtf is this fog, in which neibourghood am I, where's mess. But I went walking and saw some very promoinent old buildings and kind of castle and some yellow river beside. When I came near and went down the steps towards th river I saw some instalation: some giant Pinoccio-look a like figure floating in chains and allaround so many medieval "shrinje z zakladom". Really strange but very interesting. It reminded me of a underground of Coudenberg pallace in Brussels.

I aslo saw that river was stretching really big in horizon. I thought I must return soon to discover all that and to make a photos and videos. For a moment I thought I saw Christine, but it was just a woman in pink Chanel and a pink bag.

Nex I remember was a pain in my arm and loungs because of sleeping a side.  I must have been dreaming, but yet, I thought that I have to write to my cousin to tell how great Andrej
looks like! There was no electricity. So, should I go on and tryong to prolong my dream? Maybe I should start writing some fantastic novels or sci-fi screenplays I thought.
Brussels for sure looked great on these images and all the "actors" were somehow intruiging. Just don't know what happened to each of of there. It was like "People vanishing" as in the Hitchcock's Lady vanishes.

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